Common Diving Petrel

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The petrel ( Pelecanoides urinatrix ) has a black back, tail, and a light brown, also in the back of a white belly plumage. The beak and legs are black. Despite its short wings, which he used after the hunt to start from the water surface above all, he is an excellent pilot.


The distribution of this species is the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania and surrounding waters of the Indian Ocean.


The bird feeds mainly on krill and other plankton organisms.

Way of life

He lives sociable in large flocks, which fly together on the open sea for hunting. There he gets his food from the water which he has captured in a nosedive.


The petrel breeds in self-dug burrows, which he auspolstert with grass.


The IUCN classifies the petrel still as Near Threatened (Least Concern ), which stocks take but slowly.
