Communist Party Opposition (Switzerland)

The Communist Party Opposition ( Switzerland ) ( KPO Switzerland, even Communist Party of Switzerland opposition, KPS -O) was a communist party in Switzerland from 1930 until 1935.


The KPO Switzerland was in 1930, when the social-fascism and RGO policy of the Comintern to critically opposed to standing and a united front with the Social Democrats endorsing members of the Communist Party of Switzerland were excluded from this or leaked out of this. These were (which in the early 1920s was caused by the defection of the entire Schaffhauser social democracy ) in order together with the appearing there daily Arbeiter-Zeitung as well as smaller groups to the almost complete party organization in the canton of Schaffhausen to Walther Bringolf, Hermann Erb and Hermann Huber Moritz Mandel and Ernst Illi in Zurich to Paul Thalmann in Basel and in some other places in the German-speaking Switzerland.

In Schaffhausen the KPO Switzerland was the dominant political force within the labor movement, Bringolf 1931 was re-elected as one of two representatives of the canton in the National and 1932 for Mayor of Schaffhausen; also dominated the party the local SGB. At the international level, the KPO Switzerland IVKO was connected and initially maintained close contacts with the German Communist Party opposition to Heinrich Brandler and August Thalheimer and supported their resistance activities after the handover of power to the NSDAP in 1933.

At the same time, the shock of the Nazi regime promoted in the northern neighboring country tendencies within the party, to work towards the restoration of unity with two great workers' parties. Negotiations with the KPS were unsuccessful talks with the SP led to a gradual transformation into this, which was completed in 1935. A small Trotskyist -oriented minority of members to Paul Thalmann had left the party before, to work entristisch in the SP.
