Company commander

A company commander is a military leader and officer. It is responsible for the leadership of a company or similar entity. Bosses were originally holder ( owner ) of the body of troops held by them. Could the bosses not the leadership tasks themselves take ( prince ), she commissioned officers with the leadership, which was designated as commander or leader ( can still be found in the British Army - the Guards regiments have both chiefs and commanders ). See also Staff Captain. Accordingly, only the permanent leader of a company is called a chief in the army, his vacation or sick leave as a company commander.


As a unit leader, according to the official, neutral name, he is military commander of all officers, noncommissioned officers and men of his unit. He holds it against disciplinary powers. In addition, he is authorized to give orders civilian employees.

It is responsible for personnel and material responsibility of his unit, he oversees the training, she leads in battle and imposed disciplinary measures when necessary educational or. According to the Military Disciplinary Code he is disciplinary authority for all his subordinate soldiers.

In the rank of company commander ( KpChef ) is mostly Captain or Major, Lieutenant rare. The German army goes through currently (as of 2013) a transformation process, which all the chief posts that were previously doped for Captain A12, be promoted to Major in the frame. This is based on a new career model with the aim of allowing officers to be given before the first boss use more life and service experience. This includes, inter alia, the passage of three different uses on the grade level Lieutenant / Lieutenant / Captain, before the soldier on his first official chief use as a major. In some units of the Central Medical Services of the company commander must be a medical officer. This company commander then has the rank of a senior staff physician (equivalent to Major ) or a commander-in- doctor (equivalent to Lieutenant Colonel )

In the Artillery and the Army Air Defense Force unit commander is the battery commander ( BttrChef ), in the Air Force in flying and aircraft missiles associations, and at the Army Aviation to the squadron commander. At schools, the troops from comparable position chief inspector ( InChef ) is called. By teaching this has mostly the rank Lieutenant Colonel (rarely Colonel ), the auditorium manager are mostly captains.


In the Austrian Armed Forces of the company commander is referred to as company commander ( KpKdt ) and is similar to the function of the company commanders largely.


In the Swiss Army company commander is referred to as Company Commander ( Cdr Kp ). On the whole, the function but that of the company commander is largely similar.

The company commander begins his training as a first lieutenant. The training takes place in three stages. First, the Leadership Course 1 ( FLG I) is completed. This takes place independently of the branch of service in Bern. The prospective unit commander will give the general craft of commanders in the field of management activities. Of Technical tutorial is visited second. The guiding the company in technical applications is in the center and is completed in the appropriate Training Unit. Finally, what has been learned in the unit training (VBA ) is the so-called Abverdienen applied (practical service). The promotion to captain is done with the assumption of command of the company.

Performs a Kp Kdt a headquarters company, it can be promoted to Major.

  • Service position (Bundeswehr)
  • Military Law ( Germany )
  • Service position ( NVA)
  • Military Law ( Austria )
  • Military law ( Switzerland )