
The Conconi test is a method to the individual heart rate and exercise intensity in terms of physical performance for endurance training - declare at the anaerobic threshold - measured in terms of training speed. Are usual tests on the treadmill, bicycle ergometer or in field tests.

This test is a simple, but requires suitable way to determine the anaerobic threshold (termination of the linear relationship between power and heart rate) as an indicator of endurance performance. The achieved speed of movement is assessed in relation to each measured heart rate.

The test was developed by the Italian biochemist and amateur cyclist Francesco Conconi and establishes a relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate.


Fundamental to the implementation of a uniform, gradually increasing the stress levels. The pace is slow at the beginning and relaxed and is increased at each stage (eg when running every 200 meters by 0.5 km / h or cycling every two minutes by 1 km / h or on the ergometer at 20 watts. in the ergometer test, it is important that the work - the product of power and time - remains constant Hence the specified time table is derived for the ergometer test from ). . The heart rate is measured continuously and recorded at every stage. Only when the subject 's performance can not increase, the test is aborted.

March Table ergometer

The measured pairs of values ​​of heart rate and speed are entered and analyzed in a chart According Conconi the anaerobic threshold is at the point reached ( deflection point ) to which passes the linear relationship between heart rate and the speed in a flatter curve, the curve that is - inverted spoken - a crease down takes.

Other indicators of performance diagnostics

The aerobic threshold is generally estimated at 20 beats below the anaerobic threshold. Virtually puts you the aerobic threshold today mostly on the lactate 2 mmol / l fixed.

The power is calculated for a linear extrapolation more measured in sub-maximal intensity range value pairs for a heart rate of 170/min is called PWC170. The PWC170 is now regarded as not particularly meaningful, as well as the aerobic threshold.
