
Rice Congee ( Tamil kanji, pronunciation: [ kɒndʒi ː ]; Thai: Chok, also: Joke - โจ๊ก; Vietnamese Chao; Chinese粥, Pinyin Zhou ) is a rice porridge that in Asia, particularly in China, especially for breakfast is eaten.

To prepare one part rice with ten to twelve parts boiled water or broth and cooked for about four hours on low heat until the rice fall apart and a creamy, almost tasteless porridge has emerged. Because of the long cooking time rice congee is usually cooked for several days' supply.

It serves rice congee pure or supplemented with other ingredients such as Tsa Tsai, bamboo shoots, fish, meat, thousand-year eggs, peanuts, scallions, and soy sauce. As a sweet dish of rice congee is mixed with red beans and sugar.

The Japanese variant Okayu is solid, with only six parts water and one-half to one hour, whether or not cooked much shorter. In Japan Okayu is a common health food. Nanakusagayu, Okayu with seven herbs is traditionally eaten on January 7th, to avert the evil for the new year and to wish good luck and long life.

In Chinese medicine, rice congee is used, each with certain other ingredients in the diet therapy.

  • Rice
  • Asian Cuisine