Constantin Popovici

Constantin Popovici ( born October 2, 1988 in Bucharest ) is a Romanian water Springer, who competes in the 10 - m tower and synchronized diving. He starts for the club Steaua Bucharest and is trained by Florin Avasiloaie.

Popovici played at the 2008 European Championships in Eindhoven its first international title fights, where he finished tenth in the final of the 10 m tower. He took a little later in Beijing at the Olympic Games in part and retired there from the 10 - m tower as 23 in the preliminaries of. The following year he was again able to reach a final at the World Championships in Rome and occupied by the tower a good eighth. Other runners-up won Popovici at the European Championships 2010 in Budapest and 2011 in Turin, where he finished ninth or tenth.
