Constitutional Pilsener

Põhiseaduse Pilsner (German: Make- Pils ) is a brand of beer, which is brewed by the Estonian brewery A. Le Coq to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Estonian Constitution of 2007 and was taken with the participation of the Estonian Ministry of Justice to the market. The beer is a bottom-fermented lager beer with an alcohol content of 4.2 %.

The competing companies Saku Õlletehas has the procedure on the grounds that beer was too cheap beer, than that the Constitution should be associated with it criticized. The Head of the Estonian beer company ( Eesti Õlleliit ), Cardo Remmel has, his lack of understanding for the position of Saku Õlletehas expressed ' and the idea to raise awareness of the Constitution with a beer brand approved. The daily Eesti Päevaleht pointed out the duplicity of the statements made by Saku, the lead for several years a president Pils ( Pilsner Presidendi ) in its range.


  • Beer brand