Constitutional reforms of Lucius Cornelius Sulla

The additional gear Corneliae are those laws that were enacted in the years 82 BC to 79 BC by Sulla. Goal of his dictatorship was the restoration of the old aristocratic republic. From this idea, the laws enacted by him are marked.

These include:

  • Lex iudiciaria ( " Court of Law"): reorganization of the court system. Their existence is not definite evidence, however, speak many clues as to how to unify the legal proceedings for the adoption of this law.
  • Lex Cornelia de proscriptione: Law on the persecution of political opponents and the confiscation of their assets. Probably the most notorious law of Sulla.
  • Lex de magistratibus ( " over the officials " ) imposed a particular sequence of senatorial offices, the cursus honorum.
  • Lex Cornelia de praetoribus octo creandis ( "about the praetors " ): Increased Prätorenstellen to eight.
  • Lex Cornelia de tribunis plebis ( " over the tribunes of the people " ): limited the influence of the tribunes of the people.
  • Lex Cornelia de XX quaestoribus ( " over the 20 quaestors " ): increased the Quästorenzahl on 20th

Next Sulla adopted a large number of criminal laws:

  • Lex Cornelia de repetundis, Lex Cornelia repetundarum: law against extortion by Roman officials.
  • Lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis: Law on killing, arson and banding.
  • Lex Cornelia testamentaria nummaria, Lex Cornelia de falsis: Law on the counterfeiting of coins and testaments.
  • Lex Cornelia maiestatis: Law on Higher and treason.
  • Lex Cornelia de ambitu: put the election bribery and the sale of offices under punishment.
  • Lex Cornelia de peculatu: Law on the embezzlement of public funds
  • Lex Cornelia de iniuriis: Law on insults. This is a law of its own kind, which both civil and criminal elements shows.
  • Source of law ( Roman Empire )
  • 1st century BC
  • Criminal history