Contemporary art

Contemporary art is art, especially visual art, which is produced by contemporaries and perceived by contemporaries as significant. In general, if not explicitly defined, of past, time frame is called ( "Contemporary 19th Century Art ") is thus the contemporary art addressed. Comparable terms in this context, contemporary art as well as the English term contemporary art.

These terms are used to avoid the term Modern Art and avant-garde. In ordinary language is modern for " timely, according to the prevailing taste, latter day " and can claim a synonym for contemporary. In technical terms, in the context of art and cultural history, the concept of modernity, however, is more or less firmly connected with a not completed, but already historical period of art history. Especially in connection with the emergence of the concept of postmodernism, see also post-modern architecture, modern applies here not necessarily as contemporary or modern.

The terms Contemporary Art, contemporary art and contemporary way no statement regarding concept, artistic style, technique, form and in terms of belonging to an artistic flow, movement or group is connected. Contemporary art can be painting, but for example also be in a form which was first produced in recent years and decades, such as video art, performance, conceptual art or abstract metal sculpture.

The terms Contemporary art and contemporary art can not only focus on the individual work of art, but also a difficult definable cultural and economic system of art production, which partially overlaps with the art world and partly based on the art market. Many museums and regularly scheduled art exhibitions look at the world today as exhibition venues for contemporary art relevant. As the most important exhibition of contemporary art is the five -yearly Documenta. The curator of documenta 12 in 2007 stressed in connection with the terms Contemporary art and modern art, that " [ ... ] " current " does not mean that the works were created yesterday. You must be significant for us today. "
