
The contrapposto ( from Italian contrapposto " contrast, tee" ) is a design element in the sculpture. He referred to the coexistence of state and free leg of a human figure to compensate for the weight ratios. The basin occurs from the vertical body axis. The onset of the resulting weight shift swing of the hips with the tilt of the pelvis in the balance is also symptomatic of the game with opposites such as rest - motion, tension - relaxation, elevation - a reduction that lead ultimately to a homogeneous balance.

The modern concept of ponderation also refers to the balance of weight ratios. An optimal ponderation is achieved by symmetrical upright standing. In this case, both legs are pillars, there is no contra- mail.

The design of counterpoint posts was first introduced by classical Greek sculptors, most notably Polykleitos. Compared to the rather static acting sculptures of earlier periods succeeded with the contrapposto, both load and light-heartedness, rest and exercise, as well as bondage and freedom of the human body to express. In medieval sculptures of the contrapposto is rarely present. Only in the Renaissance the subject was taken up again by the artists - among them in the first place Donatello and Michelangelo later. Since it is also used by artists in their paintings.

In addition, he also plays in the Bühnengestik in the Renaissance and Baroque theater an important role, since it is the basis for beautiful standing. He is often called stage cross.
