Conventer See


Brackish lake

The conventer Lake is located directly behind the Baltic coast between Heiligendamm and Rethwisch in the district of Rostock. It is about 1.7 kilometers long and about 0.8 miles wide. Main tributary is the old lower reaches of the lands. The connection to the Baltic Sea is called Jemnitz. Since 1968, the greater part of the water from the hinterland is southwest bypasses the conventer lowlands by the relocation of the mill Fließes. In the case built Jemnitzschleuse the Jemnitz now opens next to the mill flow into the sea, a wall separates the two ports from each other.


The conventer lake was formerly a bay. The name of the lake is by the Convention, the Assembly of the monks of the monastery, is derived. The Cistercian monks of the monastery of Doberan gave the lake its name. They farmed the lake and began probably around 1260 to drain the lowlands. In the late 1960s the lowland conventer was ameliorated and thus caused a partial reduction of the soil to about 80 cm. Exchange of water of the lake with the Baltic Sea was stopped by the construction of the Jemnitzschleuse. The vegetation conditions deteriorated and threatened a silting of the lake.

Nature reserve

The lake is situated in the lowlands conventer, a bog of about 1200 hectares. Back in 1939, has been declared a nature reserve Vogelfreistätte conventer lake and Holy dam 216 acres of this area. This area is home to a variety of marsh and water birds. It is considered one of the most important waterfowl breeding and resting areas on the Baltic coast.

Restoration and flood protection

In order to avert the threat of siltation of the lake conventer and comply with the demands of flood protection were carried out comprehensive measures in Rostock by the State Agency for Environment and Nature ( StAUN ). These include the construction of a canal connecting the Baltic Sea with the conventer lake and thus ensures a water exchange, the replacement building the Jemnitzschleuse and rehabilitation of the two existing breakwaters. The Jemnitzschleuse and the adjacent dikes were built so that the coastline can withstand a flood with severe storm surge of 2.8 meters above normal. Since 1998, about 19 ​​million euros were invested in the common task " Improvement of Agricultural Structures and Coastal Protection " for the flood protection system conventer lowlands in the stretch of coast between Heiligendamm and Boerger end. With the passed on August 17, 2006 systems so that the conditions for an ecological condition improving overall conventer lowlands were created.
