Coprinellus micaceus

Mica Tintling ( Coprinellus micaceus )

The mica - Tintling ( Coprinellus micaceus ) is a species of fungus in the family Tintlingsverwandten.

  • 6.1 Literature
  • 6.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat of the mica - Tintlings is up to 3 cm wide and 2.5 cm thick. The hat shape is oval at the beginning and gradually bell-shaped curves to the outside, its diameter increases to 5 centimeters. He has a way darkening to Hutmitte cream to ocher- brown or foxy coloring. The hat skin is initially striate almost to the apex, but furrowed wrinkled with age. Young mushrooms are small glimmrig glittering scales ( Velumreste ) occupied the first sit tight and flat, then tear lumpy lumpy. When it rains, they will disappear quickly. The lamellae are at first whitish to yellowish white, then gray-brown to gray- purple and aged black. However, they dissolve properly. The mica - Tintling has white meat. Its odor and taste are normal. The stem is 3-8 (-10 ) cm long and 3-5 mm thick. He is white and silky smooth, hollow and not very stable. The base is little to clear bulbous thickened and discolored somewhat ochraceous. In young mushroom the stem is coated with fine flakes; elderly often appear smooth.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are brown. You are 6.5-9.5 × 4.5-6.5 × 4-5 micrometers in size and appear in the front view of pear-shaped to rhomboidal, and in the side view elliptic to slightly almond shaped. They are also characterized by a strong early germ pore. The Cheilo and pleurocystidia are bubble- shaped. Where the stem are bottle-shaped Caulozystiden. With her long neck, they have a length of up to 100 microns.


The mica - Tintling has a number of similar types, which are usually distinguish only with some experience; but sometimes also not safe or only microscopically. The closer relationship of the mica - Tintlings ( sparkling wine Micacei s.str. ) Can be narrowed down by the comparatively strong tones of the hat and the glimmrig shimmering Velumreste. The latter consist microscopically only of round cells. Good in the mica - Tintling is among the closest relatives by the Caulozystiden which can already be seen with a magnifying glass or sometimes even with the naked eye. These properties are missing the externally very similar candied Tintling ( Coprinellus saccharinus ) and the willow - Tintling ( Coprinellus truncorum ). The spores of the latter also do not have a favorite germ pore and act therefore elliptical. When candied Tintling the spherical elements of the velum of measuring up to 40 microns, the mica - Tintling contrast, up to 70 microns.

If the Velumreste were washed from the hat, there is little resemblance to the Rauspor - Tintling ( Coprinellus silvaticus ). This is rare and has warty spores. The hat can be seen with a magnifying glass Zystiden. Other similar species of Coprinus ( sparkling wine Domestici s.str. ) Can be separated by flat - membranous acting Velumresten and paler hat colors.

Ecology and phenology

The mica - Tintling can be found in deciduous and mixed forests of all kinds, but rarely in coniferous forests. Often it grows in gardens, parks and similar habitats as roadsides and thickets. The fungus lives as Saprobiont on rotten wood. He also happens to buried wood and at the foot of live trees. The latter occurrence suggests may indicate a parasitism of the fungus at the root. Preference is given to nutrient-rich substrates, but this Tintling is not picky ( bodenvag ) compared to the pH of the soil.

The fruiting bodies may appear over the entire year, but they occur in the mild months of April to November significantly more frequently. They grow in tufts or grassy of hardwood.


The mica - Tintling is a cosmopolitan who - apart from the Antarctic - occurs on all continents. In Europe, the fungus is found almost everywhere, to Great Britain, France, Sweden, Russia and Turkey. In Germany the species is common everywhere.


The mica - Tintling is edible when young and a tasty soup mushroom. However, the fungus will contain the mycotoxin Coprin that has already been detected in the closely related wrinkle Tintling and associated with alcohol intake up to about four days can cause symptoms of poisoning after eating the fungus. The enzyme Acetaldehydehydrogenase coprine blocked, degrades the acetaldehyde, which is formed primarily in the body in the breakdown of ethanol ( alcohol). The presence of this poison, but doubted.

