
The Corazzieri Regiment (it. Reggimento Corazzieri, literally " cuirassiers " ) of the Carabinieri is the bodyguard of the Italian President.


The Corazzieri are responsible for the security and integrity of the President of Italy, as well as for the protection of his official residence. You provide your service in the Quirinal Palace in Rome ( the seat of the President of the Republic ) and accompany the President on his frequent business trips. Will the Italian Senate President as Vice President of the Republic of the ( domestic ) official duties of the President, because he is unable or is abroad, the Corazzieri their ministry to the President of the Italian Senate or to its headquarters, the Palazzo Giustiniani. During visits of foreign guests of state they represent, together with units from other branches of the military honor guards.

The Corazzieri used on horseback and on foot can be seen on Vollkürass (chest and back armor ), the metal helmet with Roßhaarschweif and especially to their body size (1.90 m minimum size). Similar formation there is in France ( Republican Guard ) and also in the UK ( Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment).

Not to be confused are the Corazzieri with the Granatieri di Sardegna ( Grenadiers ) and the Lancieri di Montebello ( cavalry), the Guard troops of the Italian army are, and also in honor and representative tasks with the Italian Government take over. They also contribute to this end special parade uniforms.


Like almost all of today's regiments of the Italian Army also has the Corazzieri Regiment only battalion strength. In addition to staff and supply units, the regiment has a personal protection unit and two squadrons of horse, which also drive motorcycle escorts. To be Corazziere, certain physical conditions are brought along, including the said minimum size of 1.90 m. In addition, one must have served at least six months in other Carabinieri units and have been there a very high opinion.


The Corazzieri are as Guards on horseback successor of a company incorporated in the 14th century Guard unit of the Counts of Savoy, who had in 1557 awarded under Emanuel Philibert at the Battle of Saint- Quentin. Under various names, this guard was with her three to nine companies ( a Compagnia di Sua Altezza Corazze below) responsible for the protection of the Dukes of Savoy and King of Sardinia - Piedmont and took with some units also participated in several campaigns. The House of Savoy made ​​after the Italian unification ( Risorgimento ), the kings of Italy. After installation of the Carabinieri in 1814 took over this stepwise tasks and traditions of the household troops, which were resolved completely until 1870. The Corazzieri changed since 1868 several times her name. They wore at times the terms " honor guard of His Majesty " or " Carabinieri guard squadron of the King", after the abolition of the monarchy they operated under the name " Carabinieri Command Guard of the President " and " Carabinieri Regiment Guard of the Republic." Popularly they were called because of their uniform but only " cuirassiers ". The bill was born in 1992: The regiment has since been Reggimento Corazzieri. The barracks of the regiment is located about half a kilometer north-east of the Roman Quirinal in Via XX Settembre. It is named after the Carabinieri Major Alessandro Negri di Sanfront, who led the former Carabinieri bodyguard on 30 April 1848 in the Battle of Pastrengo.
