
Cordia boissieri, flourishing

The subfamily of Cordioideae belongs to the family Boraginaceae ( Boraginaceae ) within the angiosperms ( Magnoliopsida ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references


Vegetative characteristics

They are evergreen or deciduous subshrubs, shrubs, trees, rarely annual herbaceous plants or lianas. The alternate, rarely opposite, stalked or sessile leaves are - clearly hairy in most species of the genus - as with most representatives of the Boraginaceae family. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated, toothed, rarely lobed. Stipules are not available.

Generative features

The flowers are rarely individually, but mostly in a terminal or pendent, schirmtraubigen or sometimes doldigen, aged men or spherical inflorescences together, which usually do not cover sheets. The often fragrant flowers can be stalked to sessile. The radial symmetry, usually hermaphrodite flowers are four to achtzählig, but mostly fünfzählig with double perianth. Rare are the species dioecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( dioecious ). The usually five sepals are usually fused tube amps to bell-shaped. In many species the sepals are durable and envelop more or less the ripe fruit. The best five depending on the type usually white, rarely yellow or orange-red petals are fused bell - up tube- shaped, with the Kronzähne are bent back to spread. It's just a circle with usually five stamens present. The lineal stamens are often hairy at the base. The two carpels are fused to a hairless, two - or vierkammerigen, superior ovaries and contain four orthotropic or anatrope, unitegmische ovules. Many species are heterostyl. The terminal style ends in a simple, two - or four-lobed stigma.

The spherical, ellipsoid or ovoid drupes each containing one to four seeds usually; in this subfamily is only available from the exception Coldenia Klausen as with the other Boraginaceae. The embryo is curved.

The chromosome numbers be n = 9, 14-16, 19


They have a mainly tropical distribution. This subfamily has its greatest diversity in the Neotropics.


1893 Affiliate Robert Louis August Maximilian Gürke the family of Boraginaceae in four subfamilies: Boraginoideae, Heliotropioideae, Ehretioideae and Cordioideae. For some authors, this also has the rank of a family Cordiaceae R.Br. ex Dum. or it can be classified three to four genera also to other families / subfamilies of the family of Boraginaceae and former Boraginales, for example, the Ehretiaceae Mart .. The name Cordioideae 1829 Heinrich Friedrich Link in manual, 1, pp. 569 first published. Other synonyms for Cordioideae link are Hoplestigmataceae Engler & Gilg and Sebestenaceae Ventenat.

To subfamily Cordioideae include three to four genera with about 330 species:

  • Coldenia ( Syn: Lobophyllum F.Mueller ): There is only one way: Coldenia procumbens L.: It is an annual herbaceous plant with Klausen. The flower is cruciform. It occurs in Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Africa, Australia, North and South America.


Cordia species:

Cordia sebestena

Cordia subcordata

Cordia superba


  • Description of the subfamily within the family Boraginaceae in APWesite. (Section Description and systematics)
  • Marc Gottschling: Phylogenetic Analysis of Selected Boraginales - A validation study for a newly developed instrument to ASSESS impairment in visuospatial orientation in a virtual reality, PhD thesis in 2003 at the FU - Berlin. ( Section systematics and description)