Cortinarius flexipes

Fragrant Gürtelfuß ( Cortinarius flexipes )

The poison suspicious Fragrant Gürtelfuß ( Cortinarius flexipes, syn. Cortinarius paleaceus, Cortinarius paleifer ) is a species of fungus in the family veil Ling relatives ( Cortinariaceae ). It is a small veil Ling, whose gray-brown pileus and stipe is covered with white Velumschüppchen. His flesh smells significantly after Pelagonienblättern. The fruiting bodies appear from July to December in coniferous and deciduous forest. The fungus is also called Weißflockiggestielter hydrocephalus, geranium Gürtelfuß, pelargonium Gürtelfuß.

  • 6.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The cap is 2-5 cm broad, convex or conical, and usually hunched clearly acute to obtuse. Boy hats are often stocking cap shaped. Among the white flaky, volatile and wipe Faserschüppchen ( Velumreste ) the hat is dark slate gray, gray-brown, nut brown to dark brown. Dry hats are paler.

The gray to zimtbraunen, wide slats are grown bulged at the stem and are quite tight. The spore powder is tobacco.

The stem is 4-7 cm long and 0.2-0.6 cm wide genattert and ocher to dark brown ground by many Velumschüppchen whitish. The stem base is usually darker. The thin, pale beige brown meat is thick just below the hump to 3 cm. It smells strongly of Pelargonienblättern or wilted roses and tastes mild to bitterly.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores measure about 8 × 5 microns.


Very similar is the White Fuzzy Gürtelfuß ( Cortinarius hemitrichus ), whose hat is also covered with showy, white Faserschüppchen. He is a strict birch companion and differs by the paler color of hat and fins, as well as the odorless meat. Both types can also be seen macroscopically well when young. Since darken the Faserschüppchen or washed, older fruit bodies can be determined only on microscopic features.


The fruiting bodies appear from July to December in coniferous and deciduous forests with pine, birch and spruce. Also in bogs can find the Gürtelfuß. He has no special soil requirements, but probably preferred acidic soils.


The fungus is found in North America (Canada, USA ) and Europe and has also been detected in Australia. It is common in Central Europe.


The Fragrant Gürtelfuß is not edible mushroom.


  • Paul Kirk: Cortinarius flexipes. In: Species Fungorum. Accessed on 5 January 2014.
  • Cortinarius flexipes. In: International Mycological Association, accessed on 5 January 2014 ( English).