Cotyledon (genus)

Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladysmithensis

Cotyledon is a genus of the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ).


In the genus there are both leaf and stem succulent, which are the majority of the year leafless. There are both tiny and large species growing as shrubs species. The leaves are fleshy, often insists furry and white or silvery, brown or greenish yellow. The seeds sit in a dry, papery husks.

The hermaphroditic, flowers are radial symmetry fünfzählig. Insects pollinate ( entomophily ). The five petals are fused. There are two times five stamens present, with each other freely, but are fused with the petals. The five carpels are free to be somewhat deformed ( apocarp to syncarp ). It follicles are usually formed. The fruits contain numerous oil-containing seeds.


The distribution area of the species are the drylands of Africa, from South Africa to Ethiopia and the Arabian Peninsula. The Capensis is the center of biodiversity.


In the genus, there are about 10 types. Before it was a lot of other types of Crassulaceae in this genus. These are now classified in separate genera ( eg Echeveria, Rosularia ).

  • Cotyledon adscendens R.A.Dyer
  • Cotyledon barbeyi Schweinf. ex Baker; Home: Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia
  • Cotyledon campanulata Marloth
  • Cotyledon cuneata Thunb.
  • Cotyledon eliseae van Jaarsv.
  • Cotyledon orbiculata L.; with five varieties: Cotyledon orbiculata var dactylopsis Toelken
  • Cotyledon orbiculata var flanaganii ( Schönland & Baker ) Toelken; Home: Cape
  • Cotyledon orbiculata var oblonga ( Haw. ) DC, home. Cape
  • Cotyledon orbiculata var orbiculata; Home: South Africa, Namibia, Angola, naturalized in France and Spain in places. This variety carries also the German name pig's ear.
  • Cotyledon orbiculata var spuria (L.) Toelken
  • Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithensis ( Poelln. ) Toelken
  • Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. tomentosa