
The term counter-intelligence ( and counter - Enlightenment ) refers to the ideological backlash against the historical- philosophical phenomenon of the Enlightenment. Alternatively, the terms are related to restoration or Conservative Revolution. In the scientific sense the term is sometimes applied to the thinking of the early romance like Adam Müller, Meinrad Widmann or Lorenz Westenrieder or on the Political Theology of Saint -Martin and Joseph de Maistre.

In addition, the term is also used polemically, one the vague accusation of irrationalism or reactionary mind is charged in this way. He is repeatedly applied to the literary work of Ernst Jünger and Botho Strauss, Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault were already reputed to be counter- reconnaissance.

Since the directions that see themselves as the heirs of the Enlightenment, certainly conflict with each other, this occasionally leads to ideological Vexierspielen. Hermann Luebbe about introduced the concept of counter-Enlightenment polemic against the '68 movement in the universities, and stated in 1972: "The most important element of our political ideology situation is the development of a culture of the Counter-Enlightenment. Universities and editorial offices became centers of political assurance of salvation, true superior condescension, a penetrating moralism and jealous intolerance " This criticism of the representatives of the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School sees itself under the slogan ' philosophy as education ' and wants to warn of the neo-Marxist counter-Enlightenment ". processes of counter-intelligence processes are growing commitment coercion and criticism of expanding prohibitions " In the ensuing polemic discussion, the concept now of bourgeois civil religion was against Lubbe and his concept addressed. his commitment to the Frankfurt School was self- bourgeois counter-Enlightenment.
