Crested Oropendola

Crows forehead bird ( Psarocolius decumanus )

The crows forehead bird ( Psarocolius decumanus ) is a species of bird in the genus oropendolas ( Psarocolius ) in the family of blackbirds. We distinguish several subspecies.


Females are about 36-38 cm long, males about 46-48 cm. The iris is blue, the beak off-white to pale greenish- yellow. The plumage is glossy black, on rump and Untersteiß ( Crissum ) of dark chestnut brown color. The tail feathers are yellow to the central feathers. The males carry an inconspicuous hair-like, hood. In the subspecies P. d maculosus the plumage is interspersed with a few yellow feathers.

Distribution and habitat

The crows forehead bird comes in the lowlands of South America east of the Andes, from Panama and Colombia on the Brazilian Amazon basin to the northern tip of Argentina before. In Trinidad and Tobago the subspecies P. d insularis is located.

It is found, in some rare, locally very common in part, in different, moist and fairly dry landscape before. He lives in rainforests, in the woods at the edge of rivers, in secondary forests, deciduous forests and in agricultural landscapes with sporadic trees and Rodeland ago. Sprawling, flooding free Terra Firme forests he avoids, however. He is usually found below 1000 m.


The species is classified by the IUCN as uncritical ( " least concern "). In their large distribution area of ​​the stock is apparently stable. The species is rather common, albeit patchy, widespread.


There are four subspecies:

  • Psarocolius decumanus decumanus Pallas, 1769 - Peru
  • Psarocolius decumanus insularis ( Dalmas, 1900) - Trinidad
  • Psarocolius decumanus maculosus ( Chapman, 1920) - Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
  • Psarocolius decumanus melanterus ( Todd, 1917) - Panama