
Under a Croquis is generally understood a design drawing or painting. Application is the term used in the art and in cartography. In the mining surveying, the term is mainly used for a rough graphic drawings of mine fields.


In the Swiss mold Kroki a course plan is understood. This expression is common especially with scouts in the Jubla and in the Swiss Army. A Kroki is a map-like freehand drawing. Only the essentials is held. A distinction is

  • Plankroki: a map or terrain is outlined in plan
  • Wegkroki: a road map as a straight line
  • Kompasskroki: a road map, specifying the ( compass ) course
  • Ansichtskroki: a representation of a terrain section

In the Swiss Army, the back of the so-called is " form 6.5" (also " Six Einhalber " or "Form 6005 ", a commonly used form for internal army releases and complaints ) used in the rule.


In the Austrian parliamentarism is meant by Croquis a prepared manuscript for the correct implementation of parliamentary negotiations and votes. In addition, the Croquis refers to the opinion of the Procurator General ( Public Prosecutor at the Supreme Court ) in the judgment of the Supreme Court in proceedings for a plea of ​​nullity.
