
The crypto Protestantism ( Greek: κρυπτός kryptós hidden ' ) denotes a sequence of hidden exercise of religion onset during confessionalisation attempts recatholicization.


Only parts of people living in the areas were Catholic had become during the Counter-Reformation, supported by forced endeavor to maintain their religious affiliation inwardly connected with the appropriate exercise of faith rite, while they accepted Catholicism forced outward. So you pretended to the outside, as it was called, and tried inward to preserve the freedom of thought. It was ultimately nothing more than a form of resistance against a oktroyierte form of faith on the part of the population.

In the Habsburg Empire, the crypto Protestantism went with Joseph II 's Toleration Patent of 1781 and finally the Protestant Patent Franz Joseph to an end.

Crypto Protestantism there was in France after the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685 until the Edict of Louis XVI. , 1787.

Forms a crypto Protestantism there was also in orthodox Lutheran territories in the form of Kryptocalvinismus that there was a pejorative intended meaning. This was not only directed against Catholicism, but also against the Lutheran orthodoxy.

The religious philosopher Friedrich Heer brought crypto Protestantism and later German anticlerical nationalism in conjunction.
