
  • Methylazoxymethanol - β -D - glycoside
  • Cykazin


154 ° C.


  • <20 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, guinea pig, oral)
  • 562 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, rat, oral)

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Cycasin is in many representatives of the Cycads ( Cycadales ) occurring glycoside. Aglycone of Cycasin is the methylazoxymethanol.


Cycasin occurs in all species of cycad, Cycas revoluta and Cycas about in circinalis. Cycasin is found in all plant parts, especially high is the content in young shoots.

Toxic effect

Cycasin as its aglycone methylazoxymethanol are carcinogenic in humans and rodents and hepatotoxic in rodents. Cycasin itself is not toxic, only the aglycon. The ultimate carcinogenic substance is only the degradation product of Methylazoxymethanols, the Methyldiazonium ion, which is methylated nucleic acids.

In humans performing the recording of insufficiently purified cycad flour to liver damage and to neurogenic effects. After 12 to 24 hours occur nausea and vomiting, and deaths are known. The frequent occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS) among residents of Guam has been associated with the regular intake of cycad flour.

Also of livestock, particularly cattle and sheep, poisoning following the consumption of cycad leaves are known. Particularly in Australia this poisoning have long been a major problem, but in many areas are the cycads, the only lasting green plants during the dry season.
