Cyclamen repandum

Geschweiftblättriges cyclamen (Cyclamen repandum )

The Geschweiftblättrige cyclamen (Cyclamen repandum ) belongs to the genus Cyclamen (Cyclamen ).


The Geschweiftblättrige cyclamen grows as a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching with their flower stalks stature heights of about 10 to 20 cm. It has an about 3.5 -centimeter nodule as Überdauerungsorgan which is flattened spherical and only hand rooted.

The basal leaves are already present at flowering time. They grow to 16 inches long and are broadly heart- shaped, pointed, serrated edge to sinuate cambered. The top is usually marbled dark green and silver gray, the underside is pale gray-green.

The five petals are nodding on a long stalk of about 10 to 20 cm long. The purple petals are fused and the five corolla lobes are about 15 to 25 mm long and are repulsed. The flowering period extends from March to May

After fertilization Blüten-/Fruchtstiel is rolled spirally from the tip and pushes the fruit capsule into the ground, the capsules open underground ( is at most Cyclamen species above). Each capsule fruit contains many seeds.


These plant species in southern Europe, from France to Corfu, common. In the Petite Kabylie, northeastern Algeria, you find the endemic var baborense Debussche & Quézel.

As shady location, usually evergreen forests and thickets and maquis are preferred.

