Cystic hygroma

As hygroma colli (synonyms: Cystic hygroma colli, cervical hygroma, jugular lymphatic obstructive sequence) is a very strong liquid tumor or a fluid-filled cyst in the most lateral region of the neck (Latin collis ) refers to a child.

Structurally, it is a soft elastic proliferation of lymphatic vessels, called lymphangioma. The size varies between individuals.


The incidence is 1:12,000 births. Boys and girls are equally affected. Approximately 50-65 % are at birth.


If the hygroma colli prenatally before, so it can be detected by ultrasound. It is then considered sonographic soft markers, which is an indication of a chromosome specificity and / or an organic malformation in the child. A hygroma colli, depending on the size of a birth obstacle represent.

The cervical lymphangioma is visible otherwise after birth by a swelling in the neck. An ultrasound will show the fluid-filled cavities.

By means of magnetic resonance imaging for treatment planning is shown the full extent and the positional relationship to the neck organs.


While 25 out of 100 children with a hygroma colli have an uneventful karyotype, it occurs disproportionately often in children with:

  • General diseases or malformations in the field of cardiovascular or lymphovaskulären system (eg, heart failure)
  • Syndrome of congenital cystic hygroma
  • Turner syndrome ( monosomy X / here is often a very large expression / Hc detectable in approximately 50 % of cases)
  • Patau syndrome ( trisomy 13 / Hc detectable in approximately 3% of cases)
  • Edwards syndrome ( trisomy 18 / Hc detectable in about 15 % of cases)
  • Down syndrome ( trisomy 21 / Hc detectable in approximately 7 % of cases)


The most dangerous complication is the obstruction of the airways. This can also be done by a hemorrhage in a spontaneous delivery.


The sessions are held according to the situation surgically, by laser or by instillation of a substance ( OK-432 or bleomycin ). Surgical therapy may possibly incompletely carried out due to the proximity to vital organs. Complications such as recurrence, infection, bleeding, injury to vessels or nerves are not uncommon.
