
The Dahu (also Dahut or dairi in the canton of Jura) is a mythical creature and a Swiss-French equivalent of the Bavarian jackalope.


Characteristic of the Dahu are the runs that are shorter on one side than on the other, to better stand on the mountainside to go. We distinguish the " left-handed Dahu " (French dahu lévogyre ) and the " right-handed Dahu " (French dahu dextrogyre ), but only very rarely among themselves mingle, because there are technical difficulties in the act of copulation. However, it should also Dahus occur, in which the rear or the front legs are shorter to HANGAB with the face or up - to look.

The Dahu is sometimes described as gämsenähnliches animal, sometimes as a mixed form of weasels, rabbits, squirrels, birds and goats. The main features of a Dahus are the horns and its unevenly long legs.


  • Dahu dextrogyre
  • Dahu Ascendus
  • Dahu descendus
  • Dahutus montanus

The Hunt

If you want to catch a Dahu, so you have to approach it from the bottom and emit a mating call. The Dahu is to turn around and, because of the asymmetry of his legs fall and roll down the slope. You just have to reside a bag to catch him in it.


Here opinions differ. Some sources claim the males stood with the left edge to the slope and the females with the right flank, while the other as two different subspecies, respectively. In any case, the Dahu builds a nest in which takes place the pairing. The young hatch from eggs and are raised in the nest.
