Dakoid languages

The dakoiden languages ​​( short Dakoid ) form a small subunit of northern bantoiden languages ​​, a branch of the Benue - Congo languages ​​, which in turn belong to the Niger - Congo.

The three dakoiden languages ​​are spoken by about 120,000 people in eastern Nigeria in Taraba and Adamawa State. The most important language is the dialect continuum Samba Daka with 110,000 speakers.

Classification of Dakoid within the Niger - Congo

  • Niger - Congo > Volta - Congo > Benue - Congo > East Benue - Congo > Bantoid - Cross> Bantoid > North Bantoid > Dakoid

The dakoiden languages

  • Dakoid Samba Daka ( Chamba Daka ) (110 thousand) Dialects: Samba Daka, Samba Jangani, Samba Nnankenyare, Mapeo Samba, Taram, Dirim, Lamja - Dengsa -Tola

By some researchers, the dialect group Lamja - Dengsa -Tola is considered a separate language.
