Danzig Trilogy

The Danzig Trilogy comprises three separate books The Tin Drum (1959 ) Cat and Mouse (1961) and Dog Years (1963 ) who was born in Danzig author Günter Grass, who are in the context of events, characters and circumstances of the times.

All three plants play in Gdansk and can immediately prior, are classified during and shortly after the Second World War.

In Grass ' novel Crab Walk (2002), the trilogy finds a continuation in the present, by some known to occur from the trilogy characters there and some events are mentioned.

Danzig Trilogy The Tin Drum | cat and mouse | Dog Years

Novels, short stories, novellas Local Anaesthetic | From the Diary of a Snail | The Butt | The meeting in Telgte | headbirths or The Germans are dying out | The Rat | Unkenrufe | A wide field | My Century | Crabwalk | Peeling the Onion | The Box | Grimm's words

  • Literary work
  • Novel, epic
  • Literature ( German )
  • Literature ( 20th century)
  • Work of Günter Grass