Darwin Information Typing Architecture

The Darwin Information Typing Architecture ( DITA ) is a document format, similar to the known DocBook. DITA is developed by IBM and OASIS as a freelance architecture and stands as a document type definition (DTD) for free. DITA XML-based: Unlike DocBook is available for DITA no SGML -based DTD.

According to the official definition from the DITA architecture specification ' " is ... to architecture for creating topic- oriented, information -typed content can be reused and single did -sourced in a variety of ways. It is therefore of architecture for creating new information types and Describing new information domains based on existing types and domains. This Allows groups to create very specific, targeted document type definitions using a process called specialization, while quietly sharing common output transforms and design rules developed for more general types and domains. "(From DITA Architectural Specification Chapter 2, " An Introduction to DITA. " )

On 3 May 2005 DITA 1.0 was adopted as an OASIS standard.

On 13 August 2007 DITA 1.1 was adopted as an OASIS standard.

On 1 December 2010 the DITA 1.2 specification was approved as the OASIS standard with numerous innovations; it contains, inter alia, three different architectures as well as new " domains " and "Topics " (see below ).


The name Darwin Information Typing Architecture is concluded as follows:

  • Darwin - Charles Darwin was the inspiration for this architecture. As the founder of the theory of evolution, he has examined the inheritance. Extension by inheritance is one of the most important features of DITA.
  • Information Typing - information is typed in DITA. Thus, a high degree of re-use is guaranteed.
  • Architecture - DITA is an architecture. It is not simply a DTD, but also includes rules for the preparation of information units. In addition, it is constantly evolving and can be extended in certain limits.

DITA is an XML -based architecture for the creation, distribution and reuse of technical information. The architecture consists of a set of design rules that allow " typed " Information on the level to create so-called "Topics ".

The aim of DITA it, the "unique transclusion mechanism" (see also " transclusion ") to aid, the processing rule is specified as part of a DTD: An item "can replace Itself with the content of a like element elsewhere, Either in the current topic or in a separate topic did shares the same content models. DITA 's conref, Transclusion ' mechanism is similar to the SGML conref mechanism, Which uses an empty element as a reference to a complete element elsewhere. HOWEVER, DITA requires at least a minimal content did model for the referencing element be present, and performs checks falling on processing to Ensure did the replacement element is valid in its new context. This mechanism goes beyond standard XInclude, did in content can be incorporated Only When it is equivalent: If there is a mismatch in between the reusing and reused element types, the conref is not resolved. It therefore goes beyond standard entity reuse, did it in Allows the content to be reused in a valid XML file with a DTD. The net result is reused content gets validated did at authoring time, rather than at reuse time, catching problems at Their source. "


The company IBM created in the 90's own complex SGML DTDs ( and Others IBMIDDoc ) for the documentation of its numerous products. During the development, the task of designing a new standard for technical documentation, which should primarily support a high degree of reuse arose. This IBMIDDoc or other XML DTD as DocBook, TEI and XHTML were investigated. As a result, it was decided, with DITA to develop a new document format.

Characteristics and backgrounds

DITA is characterized mainly by the following properties:

  • Themenzentrierung - The highest level of abstraction of DITA is the " Topic " (Eng. "theme" ). Other structures that are layered on top of a topic, then more information belonging to the process of such topics. For example, it could be explained to the navigation of a help page. Further topics are no longer nested. For the organization of topics, the " Sections " (Eng. " sections " ) offer which provided the topics with content.
  • Reuse - An object DITA is the reduction of redundancy, and hence the copying expense information. This information can be used in several places, but only once the content exists.

Definitions ( from DITA Architectural Specification Chapter 2, "An Introduction to DITA. " ):

  • Topic: A topic is a unit of information that is determined by title and content. This unit must be short enough to deal with a single topic or to answer a single question. However, it must also be sufficient enough to be useful alone can and will support the continued development alone.
  • Map: Maps are documents in which individual references are useful to Topic collected and organized. They thus form a logical unit and bracket on certain topics. You can use it to also serve as an outline or table of contents for DITA results and thus as "build manifests " for complete DITA projects.
  • Specialization: The specialization allows the definition of new " types of information " ( "structural types" or "new domains of information" ). However, the largest share of information should be reused, so the cost of exchange, migration and maintenance can be minimized.
  • Integration: Each specialization has its own design module. These modules can generate more document types in a combined form again. The process of creating new document types from the combination of different modules is called " integration."
  • Adaptation: In the event that only the work result ( "output" ) is required in different forms, can be used an adaptation of DITA. Thus, the output is adjusted without degrading the portability and sharing.

Benefits over and comparison with DocBook

Compared to DocBook DITA is considered easier to learn. While DocBook is meant to be used as a template for complex books and documentation in book format, DITA aims to map technical information as " Topics" that can be reused in different contexts. DITA also uses many elements from HTML.

The following is a comparison by Namahn, 2001:

Advantage of DITA over DocBook

  • DocBook is primarily intended for the creation and delivery of books, while DITA other hand, focuses on the creation and delivery of "Topics ". However, these topics can then pass as a collection in books or be linked to, and therefore serve as a means of information, web pages, or about as summaries for PDAs.
  • DocBook is strictly hierarchical and provides no mechanisms available to separate content from context. This DITA is more flexible and context-sensitive information can be grouped into different documents. DITA can take of defined structure topics with each level.
  • DocBook is a fixed set of elements and attributes. DITA is extensible and can be adapted to the individual needs and requirements: specialization rules to define the structure of individual types of information that can rely on the existing standard elements.

Advantage of DocBook, DITA against

  • DocBook is for more than ten years actively expanded and constantly maintained.
  • DocBook is well documented and tested successfully in many practical cases. Assistance of the great DocBook community are available everywhere.
  • DocBook supported by the " DocBook stylesheets" already a variety of formats such as Eclipse, EPUB, FO, HTML, HTML Help, JavaHelp, Man pages, webhelp and XHTML.
  • As of version 5 is a DocBook topic element ready.
  • As of version 5.1 (in development), it is a assembly element type (similar to a map in DITA ), which improves the recycling.


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