
With Darwine certain Windows programs can be run on Mac OS X without having to install Windows. The Darwine project ported to Wine on Mac OS X. The name Darwine is a combination of Darwin, which forms the basis of the operating system Mac OS X, and Wine. Darwine represents a compatibility interface for Windows function calls are available and translates these calls in Darwin and X11 calls. This Darwine requires an installed X11, which can be installed in case of need from the Mac OS X Install DVD.

Meanwhile, the unofficial build of Darwine under the name Wine continues. Wine is now part of the WineBottler installation package that allows multiple Windows runtime environments can be managed.

The porting of Wine on Mac OS X was easier than Apple conducted his move from the PowerPC processor architecture to x86-compatible Intel processors, and used in Windows applications x86 code does not need to be first converted in PowerPC code.
