Data-driven journalism

Data journalism (english data driven journalism, DDJ, literally translates data - driven journalism ) is a form of online journalism, which ( CAR english computer -assisted reporting) developed from 2005 onwards from the older computer-aided research. According to the Open Data idea data journalism means not only the database searching, but the collection, compilation, analysis and publication of publicly available information and its processing in traditional journalistic forms.


As a precursor of the idea of ​​data journalism Adrian Holovatys be considered proposals for the transformation of traditional journalism for the Internet medium. This requires not only traditional newspaper stories should appear on new devices, the information itself must change. The objective in this other kind of journalism should be, "important, focused information did is useful to people's lives and helps them understand the world" ( German: "important, focused information that is useful for people's lives and helps them to understand the world " ) to deliver.

The concept of Data Driven Journalism for the combination of research approach and a new form of publishing coined the English newspaper The Guardian in March 2009 and thus took a leading role in this area. In the Data Store of the newspaper machine-readable information linked together by software and analyzed. The result serves as the basis for interactive visualizations. These visualizations are published with the data and explanations about the context and annotated with text, audio or video. In Germany M made ​​- People Make Media, a journal of the trade union Verdi, in March 2010 by a cover story to the DDJ term data journalism known.

The data journalism in the sense of " making available huge amounts of data through visualization and navigation tools to" understand its advocates as opposed to targeting on personalization classic reporting. As he did this, the elements of utility, the existing public need, the relevance and power forward, he is " the future of political journalism ."
