Datta Khel

Datta Khel is a village in north - west Pakistan. It is located in North Waziristan near the Afghan border and the city of Miranshah.


In 1895, the British colonial rulers during the construction of the North Waziristan Agency a military outpost of the garrison of Miranshah in Datta Khel. Local tribes besieged outpost in 1942 and conquered it in 1948, but were expelled by the British through air strikes again.

In the village was established in September 2010, the suspected al - Qaeda chief for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Sheikh Fateh, killed by a U.S. drone attack.

On 17 March 2011 a high-ranking Taliban Hafiz Gul Bahadur under point data, 44 people were killed in a U.S. air raid on Sherabat Khan Wazir. The attack caused public outrage in Pakistan.

On 11 July 2011 died in a U.S. drone strike on a vehicle about five occupants. Shortly thereafter, in a threaten attack on a homestead up to 20 people were killed.
