Daulatabad, Maharashtra


Daulatabad - also Devagiri or Deogiri ( Marathi: देवगिरी = " Mountain of the Gods " ) called - is a small town with about 3000 inhabitants in the heart of the Indian state of Maharashtra.


Daulatabad is located at an altitude of about 735 meters above sea level. inst and about 17 km ( driving distance ) north-west of Aurangabad and about 13 kilometers south-east of Ellora. The Indian capital Delhi is about 1100 kilometers (direct distance ) north.


Scant remains of a - situated on an ancient trade route - Buddhist cave monastery indicate that the place was (then called Deogiri ) already inhabited around 100 BC. Since the Rashtrakutas penetrated the middle of the 8th century from South India to Ellora and there worked out the Kailasa temple from the rock, they are attributed by some researchers, the enormous stone carving on the mountain of Daulatabad. According to tradition, however, the history of the fort Daulatabad goes back to the Yadava dynasty, whose Prince Bhillama V. to be solved from the following obligations towards the Chalukyas in 1187. Had already conquered in 1296 by the then Sultan of Delhi, Ala ud- Din Khalji (r. 1296-1316 ) the place, but left its former Yadava rulers Ramachandradeva as a tributary vassal in power.

An important event was the conquest of the city and its fortress hill by Muhammad Shah II (r. 1325-1351 ) of the ruling on the Delhi Sultanate Tughluq dynasty in 1327 - he named the city in Daulatabad ("place prosperity" ) around and chose her as his new capital. Even the entire population - - As a result, the entire yard should move here from Delhi, which was associated with enormous costs and resistors in the civil service and in the population, so that the whole project was made ​​17 years later undo. In the middle of the 15th century Daulatabad came for some time under the control of the Bahmani Sultanate; thereafter, the city changed hands several times their Lord to them in 1633 after several months of siege by the troops of the Mughal Empire under Shah Jahan (r. 1627-1658 ) was taken. The last important Mughal ruler, Aurangzeb (reigned 1658-1707 ), led several military campaigns on the Deccan Plateau of Daulatabad from until he moved his capital to the neighboring Fatehnagar that short time later renamed Aurangabad. In 1724, the region came under the control of Nizams of Hyderabad, which they retained even under the British rule until India's independence in 1947.



