David McNally (professor)

David McNally ( born July 1, 1953) is a Marxist -oriented, Canadian Policy Research and a professor at York University. He is also active as a political activist.


McNally studied at Evergreen State College as well as at York University, where he received his doctorate in 1983. Since then, he has been a professor of political science.

His main topics include political economy and materialistic theories of language and culture. In addition, he writes and does research on anti-capitalist social struggles.

Since his youth, McNally is also active as a political activist. He was for many years a member of the International Socialists and later the New Socialist Group.

McNally is the father of several children.

Writings (selection )

  • Political Economy and the Rise of Capitalism. A Reinterpretation (1988 )
  • Against the Market. Political Economy, Market Socialism and the Market Critique (1993 )
  • Another World is possible (2000)
  • Bodies of Meaning. Studies on Language, Labor and Liberation (2001)
  • Global Slump. The Economics and Politics of Crises and Resistance (2010)
  • Monsters of Market. Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism (2011)