David Origanus

David Origanus (actually David Tost, born July 9, 1558 Glatz; † July 11, 1628 in Frankfurt ( Oder) ) was a German mathematician, scholar and astronomer.


The son of the garment cutter John Tost and his wife Anna, the daughter of the architect Ernst and Dorothea Löckner Siber had first visited the school in Glatz. Then he frequented the school in Triebel and Hradec Kralove, where for a year he learned Czech. In 1574 he moved into a year, the Mary Magdalene Gymnasium in Breslau and was followed by three years at the Breslau Elizabeth High School with Peter Vincent in training.

In 1578 he began studying at the University of Frankfurt ( Oder) to complete philosophical studies. Here he acquired on April 20, 1581 the academic degree of Master of Philosophy, continued his studies at the University of Wittenberg and the University of Leipzig on. After he returned late in 1581 to Frankfurt, he was appointed in 1582 to the inspector of the Frankfurt School, he became in 1586 associate professor of mathematics and Greek language and on January 3, 1588 a full professor of mathematics and astronomy.

As an astrologer, the making of calendars filled out a large part of his time, but are his 1620 published supplements to the great chronological work of Sethus Calvisius also not scientifically worthless. Sustainability has to be Ephemeridum, an opus which required the greatest work made ​​him famous all over the world. Origanus also participated in the organizational work of the Frankfurt School. He was nine times dean of the philosophical faculty of equivalent during the summer semesters 1591 and 1603 Vice-Rector and in the summer semester 1611 and winter semester 1621 rector of Frankfurt Alma Mater. He was buried on 15 June in Frankfurt.


His " Ephemerides novae brandenburgicae ", which extend over the period 1595-1630, although it involved in unpleasant priority disputes with Giovanni Antonio Magini and Georg role Hagen, but prove but also that an independent scientific opinion it was peculiar in some things. In this major work represented Origanus the tychonische system; its requests to Johannes Kepler letters can also be seen that it had moved the manifold errors of prutenische panels to construct new planetary tables both after the Copernican and after Tychonic principles, thus enabling a comparison of the two theories.

But while Tycho Brahe had denied the daily motion of the earth, Origanus admitted this and was with regard to the axis rotation, contrary to the views of Nicolaus Copernicus. A similar position as this position set out by Origanus in the preface to his ephemeris also has another trailer Brahe, the Dane Christian Sørensen Longomontanus ingested.


Origanus was married twice. He completed his first marriage on 25 November 1583 Catharina ( limited May 10, 1608 ), the daughter of the professor of Greek language Matthew host and his wife Clara Harckenstroh ( Harkenstroin ), the daughter of a Berlin mayor. His second marriage he went on 7 April 1611 Catharina, daughter of lawyers in Kuestrin Jerome WINSE, a. The marriage remained childless. Of his children we know:

  • John Origanus († young; limited January 24, 1595 in Frankfurt)
  • Catharina Origanus