
Under decommissioning refers to the temporary or permanent decommissioning of plants, technical installations, equipment, objects, vehicles, and agricultural land. This term is now used mainly in the classical industry, mining and transport ( route decommissioning) and communications as well as the agricultural policy ( set-aside ) wide application and is greatly facilitated by the introduction of new technology. But there are also many other economic reasons for a plant closure.

Under the rule of the Nazis, many companies have, including many publishers, shut down for ideological, racist or war-related reasons by the authorities. Gertrud Bäumer wrote in 1930, it was necessary to fight " ... against a power that wants to replace the citizens through the political soldiers at the expense of respect for the living conscience of the individual and by forcible closure of all other beliefs. "

Chance is also decommissioning (of English: Decommissioning Decommissioning = ) is used as a synonym for decommissioning. This is especially true for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
