Deer Abbey

Daughter monasteries


Monastery Deer (En: Deer Abbey ) is a former monastery of the Cistercian Order in Scotland. It is located near the village of Old Deer in Aberdeenshire region.


The Convent was founded in 1219 under the patronage of William Comyn and built in a place where there are at formerly a monk branch had found. Deer Abbey was a daughter foundation of Kinloss Abbey, a subsidiary of Melrose Abbey, which in turn was a daughter house of Clairvaux Abbey Primary. Deer Abbey was converted into a secular Well the last Kommendatarabts Robert Keith II (Lord Altrie ) in 1587.

Buildings and plant

From the cruciform, 1854 broken church is still the outline visible. More is from the buildings to the south of the cloister ( refectory, abbot's house, kitchen ) were obtained.

The Ferguson family at their estate Pitfour Estate belonged to the system, set up in the 1810s, a kitchen garden and a built the ruins later at a mausoleum to. The changes were reversed in the 20th century, the entrance of the mausoleum remained.
