Deim Zubeir

7.714166666666726.194444444444Koordinaten: 7 ° 43 'N, 26 ° 12'

Deim Zubeir (Arabic Daim al - Zubair ) is a town in the state of Western Bahr el Ghazal in southern Sudan.


The town originated as a daim, that is, as a settlement around a guarded slave camp ( Zariba ) that the ivory and slave traders al - Zubayr Rahma founded in the early 1860s. al - Zubayr here settled at Khor Uyjuku (also Uyujuku or Uyuku ) in the field of Kreish Ndogo after he was with the Golo met with resistance. Strategically located on the trade routes in the north of Sudan, Deim Zubeir was existed at the Zubayrs headquarters of the extensive slave raids and commercial activities as far as Darfur and the Congo Basin.

During the Mahdi uprising led to a decline of the place.

In June 1889 the French invaded by Ubangi -Shari from before after Deim Zubeir to bring the territory under their control. Trying to make South Sudan to the French colonial territory, but failed in the Fashoda crisis. 1890 took the Azande ruler Zemo Deim Zubeir.

The British colonial power, asserted itself ultimately based in the region to local authorities, where ethnic groups were each subject to the nearest ruler without central authority. In Deim Zubeir all residents of either the ruler of the Kreish Ndogo, the Sultan of Banda or Azande -Sultan was assumed. 1903-1906 Deim Zubeir was the capital of the Western District of Bahr al - Ghazal, then Raja took over this function. In the 1920s, the Catholic Verona Fathers opened a school. This was with the school in Raja in the 1940s - the only other school in the Western District - combined.

In the second Civil War in Southern Sudan 1983-2005 Deim Zubeir was for most of the time under the control of the Sudanese government. From June to October 2001, the SPLA rebels could bring the city under their control.


  • Location in South Sudan
  • Western Bahr el Ghazal
  • Place in Africa