
Delegates (from Latin delegare: " hinschicken, entrust, transfer " ) ( noun: the delegation ) are elected or appointed personally by a competent authority actors, which has the task of concrete action by individual authorization.

Delegates by activity


The members of the German Bundestag, for example, delegates of the German people, see MP. From their ranks, as well as from parties, including individuals may be delegated to attend training courses, events and summits.

In the House of Representatives of the United States is distinguished by councilors and delegates. While deputies represent a State, the delegates come from the dependent territories such as Puerto Rico or Guam, and the capital district Washington, DC You have only voting rights in committees, but not in the House itself

The party days of the parties can either be composed of its members or of delegates from the lower levels, such as state associations, district associations and district associations. The number of delegates depends on it mostly on the number of members of a party in the appropriate regional association.

Voluntary Sector

Delegates are stakeholders in a parent club section, or a governing body. Delegates have their delegation status active and passive right to vote may participate in votes and get expenses for costs and lodging at the request refunded. A special form is closed conferences or training sessions. Further details are regulated in association law.


Works are delegates of companies, which can be formed from a certain number of employees laid employee. You have the task of representing the interests of the employee against the employer. Details are regulated in the Works Constitution Act.
