Delta Amacuro Softtail

The Orinokocanastero ( Thripophaga amacurensis ) is a species of bird in the family of Ovenbirds ( Furnariidae ). He was discovered in 2004 in Venezuela and 2013 scientifically described.


The Orinokocanastero reached a size of about 17 cm and a weight of 26-30 g The male has bright olive - sand-colored feathers with dark gray tips on the reins. The rest of the head is dark dull brownish -olive. Each spring has a contrasting yellow- sand-colored center strip, which gives it a clear, speckled appearance. On the cheeks and the lower beard grazing region the spots are slightly larger and contrasting, and narrower at about eye-streak. From the back of the head to the upper mantle, the markings are long, so that this area rather than striped mottled look. The shoulder feathers and particularly the area from the lower mantle to the back are brown simple and lively. At the rump and the upper tail-coverts the coloring goes over to the reddish brown or cinnamon-colored and on the upper wing-coverts she is lively olive - brown to reddish -yellow brown. The inner webs of the middle wing-coverts are mostly dull dark brown. The seams of the outer webs of ceilings and most of the outer webs of the great coverts are reddish -yellow brown. The hand and arm swing are brownish with a lively brown hem on the outer webs, which is increasingly becoming wider towards the secondaries. The shield springs are completely reddish brown. The under wing-coverts are reddish - orange, with the large ceiling are a bit brighter. The underside of the primaries is easy cinnamon on the hem of the inner webs. At the inner secondaries, the coloring is bright and passes into a wider cinnamon sand colors. The tail is cinnamon simple, the tail top is brighter and more reddish. The chin is cinnamon - colored sand. The throat is reddish- maroon. Neck and breast are brownish -olive, each spring has an average sand-colored teardrop-shaped marker. At the belly these markers are less well defined and on the flanks and on the thighs they fade completely. The coverts are lively tinted dark ocher yellow. The iris is reddish brown and surrounded by a narrow, gray - olive unbefiederten eye ring. The beak is steel gray, dark at the base of the upper mandible, bright and somewhat bright pink flesh of the column and at the base of the lower mandible. The tip of the beak is often also lighter. The legs are dull yellowish- green.


The song is distinctive and is played usually in the form of a duet. He sounds like a long rattling rattling, which consists of short, loud sounds that are of a bird (presumably the male ) is reproduced. In different periods, a second bird joins in with the singing, which is rough, even shorter sounds. Then volume and speed gradually decrease until the vocals, which is still audible at a considerable distance, is usually terminated with a solo of the first singing bird. When the birds are excited to take the duets from in speed. Then they give way to a series of slower dual or Dreichfachtönen that go on in different periods before they are accelerated in another duet. The duets are easily distinguished from those of the Strichelkehlcanasteros ( Thripophaga cherriei ) and the Zimtschwanzcanasteros ( Thripophaga macroura ).


The Orinokocanastero is endemic in the southern part of the Orinoco Delta, Delta State Amacuro in northern Venezuela.


The Orinokocanastero comes in relatively ancient riparian forests at low altitudes ( about 20 to 25 m) in the vicinity of small streams and rivers before, in an area where the forest with a few small swamps and seasonally flooded savannas interspersed. Between May and October, the floodplain is flooded seasonally by two to four meters.

Way of life

The food will be collected with simple pick movements. The Orinokocanastero rummaging through piles of rubble, in forks of branches or liana in bundles and sometimes he is like the bush panties ( Cranioleuca ) or the Blattspäher ( Philydor ) outward along the high branches with leaves and vines in search of food.
