Delta atracotoxin

Delta Atracotoxine ( actx ) are toxic peptides that are produced by some orthognathic spiders in their poison gland. They act in the body of insects and mammals by binding to specific sodium channels in the cell membrane of nerve cells. These are nerve poisons. All Delta actx peptides are 42 amino acids long and have among themselves on high homology.

To actx family include the delta actx - Ar1 (also: Robustoxin ) of the funnel-web spider ( Atrax robustus ), delta actx - Hv1 (also: Versutoxin ) of Hadronyche versutus, Magi 4 of Macrothele gigas and Delta Missulenatoxin - MB1A of Missulena bradleyi.

Atracotoxine binding to tetrodotoxin - sensitive sodium channels and prevent the switch from activated to the inactive state, which leads to an unbridled release of neurotransmitters and thus prolonged uncontrolled nervous activity in the autonomic and motor nervous system.
