Demetrius (son of Althaemenes)

Demetrios (Greek Δημήτριος, † probably 325 BC ), son of Althaimenes, was a Macedonian cavalry general and companion ( Hetairos ) Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC.

During the conquest campaign in Asia Demetrios was first mentioned in the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC as a commander ( ilarchos ) one of the eight squadrons of the Hetairenreiterei. Maybe he held this position from the very beginning of the campaign in 334 BC held and fought it consequently also in the battles of the Granicus (334 BC) and Issus (333 BC). Later, he was appointed commander of one of the four Hipp Archien ( hipp archos ) the Hetairenreiter on and excelled in this role in the fighting in the Swat Valley and in the capture of the city Ora ( at Saidu Sharif, Pakistan ) in the years 327-326 dating from AD. In the Battle of the Hydaspes Demetrios led his hipparchy with the Koinos to fight decisive push in the back of the Indian army of Poros. The last time this is called BC at the beginning of the Indus ride against the Maller turn of the year 326/5 in use. Probably Demetrius died shortly afterwards.
