Dendrochirus biocellatus

Peacock Lionfish ( Dendrochirus biocellatus )

The Peacock Lionfish ( Dendrochirus biocellatus ) is a representative of scorpionfish ( Scorpaenidae ). He lives in the coral reefs of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean at depths of one to 40 meters from Mauritius to Japan, Australia and French Polynesia. The fish are nocturnal and very secretive. During the day, they will stay in caves and in the cavities of large sponges.


The Peacock Lionfish is shown in red and black. Its pectoral fins are large and look like butterfly wings. The fin rays are connected to the end with fin membrane. The first dorsal fin has hartstrahlige 13 fin rays, which are provided with poison glands, the second dorsal fin has nine soft rays. The anal fin has three hard and five soft rays. Here are the hard jets and the only one pelvic fins with poison glands connected.

He is the only fire fish, also known as adult animals has two to three ocelli on the second dorsal fin. The ocelli are black, with a yellow border. If the animal is excited, hunting, courtship, or encounter with a rival, the spot is light blue green. A pupil like a small black dot remains in the center. In the upper jaw there are two lobed sensor. With a length of twelve inches of Peacock Lionfish remains relatively small.
