Denkmalgeschütztes Objekt

Historic monuments in Austria are primarily by the Austrian monument Directory: log ( also Austrian monument list ).


The Austrian memorial monument directory is the list drawn up by the Federal Monuments Office. As in Austria monument is a federal matter, the list of all cultural property covered by the Austrian Monument Protection Act, managed centrally. Besides immovable monuments ( buildings, archaeological, gardens ) It also includes movable cultural property ( art treasures, collections, archives, etc.).

In addition, some countries operate their own directory, so the Tyrolean Kunstkataster, the Digital Upper Austrian Cultural Atlas ( Doka ) or Vienna cultural heritage. These are part of comprehensive, but compared successively with the Austrian monument directory. In addition to the conservation law itself there are numerous other expulsions of cultural property, as from international agreements such as the Hague Convention, the recognized World Heritage in Austria, European commitments such as the Regulation on the export of cultural property, verwandeten legal matters of the federal government, but also state law or municipal sources of law, such as the old town of Salzburg conservation law. These fall under heritage conservation and protection of cultural as well as townscape protection and / or conservation, or the Museum of legislation. The internationalization of the cultural heritage protection - and the associated expansion of the concepts to concepts such as cultural property or cultural monument by the influence of non-European cultural tradition - the boundaries between these disciplines are no longer strictly drawn today.

List of immovable monuments conservation area ( construction and archaeological monuments )

So far the list of immovable monuments has been completely electronically recorded and published under monument protection. It contains all the monuments in the strict sense, and the class of Archaeological Monuments, which are next to Baur Estonians sites and fund the most promising regions. To create and regularly update the list of immovable monuments of the former Federal Monuments Office is obliged under § 3 Paragraph 4 of the Monument Protection Act. Since second consists were reported as a historical monument since the introduction of preservation partly also by administrative decision, do not wear all archaeologically relevant cultural assets of a registration number for archaeological monuments ( numbers on Ar - ), but are partly independent, partly mitausgewiesen other historical buildings. The two groups will be published together.
