
The word denotation (Latin denotatum: said ) is an ambiguous technical term ( terminus), in particular the general theory of signs ( semiotics ) linguistics (linguistics) and the philosophy of language. It is significant also similar with the ambiguous expression denotation. The meaning is to be determined ( context) in context.

In its basic meanings of the term denotation means

  • The conceptual content of a character ( antonym: Konnotat ); or
  • The institution designated by a sign subject of the extra-linguistic reality

Denotation as the conceptual content of a character

" Denotation " means the one of the conceptual content of a character and then referred to a counter-concept to the concept Konnotat, ie affective, associate or emotional connotation. The contrast denotation - Konnotat corresponds to the contrast denotation - connotation.

Partial denotation is used only in this sense, partially that meaning is not mentioned at all.

Denotation as the designated object

The term denotation is widely used for others also or only for the institution designated by a sign ( non-linguistic ) object.

The term denotation is then considered to be identical in meaning ( as a synonym ) to speaker and extension.

Object is to be understood in a broad sense and stands for things, relationships, properties or facts.

Depending on the underlying theory of semantics, the term denotation be in its meaning varies and specifies further:

  • In a model in terms of model-theoretic semantics denotation " the ( set-theoretical ) object that is associated with the expression in this model. ". (Only ) if the model is an excerpt of the real world is the denotation of the speaker in the world.
  • Is there a distinction between denotation and designat, the expression refers to the designat denoted by a linguistic expression class and denotation, the individual members of the class. So Morris: " The denotations are the elements of the class ( scilicet: the Designats ). "
  • In behavioral narrowing can sometimes with just a denotation " observable Speaker " be meant.