Denys Watkins-Pitchford

Denys James Watkins - Pitchford ( born July 25, 1905 in Lamport, Northamptonshire, † 8 October 1990 ), pseudonym of BB, was a British writer.


Waktins - Pitchford was born in Lamport, Northamptonshire in the UK. He first attended the Northampton School of Art, then studied in Paris and then completed the Royal College of Art in London. Upon completion of college, he took the teaching profession and worked as an assistant to a lecturer in art at the famous Rugby School in Warwickshire. In 1944, he wrote, under the pseudonym of BB, the young adult novel " Brendon Chase " and thus landed a worldwide success, which has been translated into several languages ​​and even filmed in 1980 (Eng. In the shadow of the owl ). Previously, he had been in 1942 for " The Little Grey Men" ( The Pixies tour) awarded the Carnegie Medal. Since Watkins - Pitchford henceforth spent a lot of time writing and was able to earn enough money through this work, he gave up his career as a teacher in 1947 and devoted himself entirely to his work as a writer. Preferably treated Watkins - Pitchford known as "Wild Life" issues, ie stories that revolve in and with the nature of life. Besides Brendon Chase Manka The Sky Gypsy and Wild Lone, included among these. He also wrote a series of fantastic stories for children playing in the Magic Forest of Boland. Among the most famous works in Germany include the adventures of Dominik Dachs, which appeared in several volumes.

Pictures of Denys Watkins-Pitchford
