Der Göttergatte

  • Jupiter
  • Juno
  • Mercury
  • Mars
  • Cupid
  • Thalia
  • Mäandros, theater director
  • Amphitryon, king of Thebes
  • Alkmann
  • Sosia
  • Charis, wife of Sosia

The hubby is a comic opera ( opera buffa ) in two images by the composer Franz Lehár; for the libretto recorded Victor Léon and Leo Stein responsible. The world premiere of this work took place on January 20, 1904 at the Carl Theatre in Vienna.

Lehár has revised the work twice, first as the ideal wife (1913 ) and then again as The Queen Tango ( 1921).

This operetta travesties Kleist's Amphitryon and is held musical in the style of Jacques Offenbach.


Foreplay - On Olympus

Mäandros, theater director - in search of a winning promising play - visited the muse Thalia on Olympus. By Thalia Mäandros immediately gets an audience with Jupiter and wins it for a new theater sensation which Operetta. The Godfather is impressed, and promises to deliver a suitable libretto in no time.

Secretly now goes to Jupiter along with Mercurius on the earth to have an adventure. This should then be notified by operetta humans. Juno, wife of Jupiter follows this secret because she knows that he has a soft spot for some adventure.

Jupiter sends Mercury in the form of the servant Sosia the kingdom of Thebes. There Alcmene, the pretty wife waits for her husband Amphitryon, king of Thebes. This just leads in Macedonia war. As as Sosia Mercury announces the return of Amphitryon, Juno suspects the intentions and in turn takes the form of Alcmene. In this way, attempting to prosecute her husband of adultery.

Act 1 - palace of Amphitryon

Meanwhile, the real Amphitryon sends his servant Sosia right home to his return for the next day to announce. It creates great confusion in the palace as a rapid succession of the true and the false Sosias arrive. The situation relaxes only when Juno can send away the right Alcmene from the palace.

Now when Jupiter (as Amphitryon ) appears, he is led by Juno (as Alcmene ) in the marital chambers. Then Jupiter breaks up again immediately and leaves the palace. Almost simultaneously, the right Amphitryon, the Juno in turn holds for Jupiter, which has come back appears. This finds the correct Amphitryon by the alleged infidelity Alcmene.

Act 2 - park behind the palace

Later, Jupiter Amphitryon really appears again, all entanglements cleared completely. Amphitryon rejoices in the virtue of his wife Juno and could keep their plots before Jupiter secret. Jupiter promises in the future to renounce certain adventures.


Get the historical recording of a radio device by Lothar Riedinger for the Vienna Radio 15 March 1945 under the musical direction of Max Schönherr. It Liesl sing Andergast ( Juno ), Franz Borsos (Jupiter ), Anton Dermota ( Amphytrion ), Henny heart ( Alcmene ), Fred Liewehr ( Sosia ) and Lizzi Holzschuh ( Charis ). The label CPO has released this recording from the stocks of the German Broadcasting Archive in 2012.
