Der Pilger

The pilgrim, before " The Christian Pilgrim ," is the weekly newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Speyer. Founded on January 1, 1848, it is the oldest diocese newspaper in Germany, and older than the Osservatore Romano.

In the era of National Socialism of the pilgrim in 1942 was banned, but could be built in the postwar period by the chief editor Nikolaus Lauer again.

The 1960 -founded fundraiser of the pilgrim " The action Silbermöve " conducts an annual donation to a volume of about one million euros.

The paper reports on the life of the Church in the diocese as well as about what is happening in the world church. These religious texts such as prayers and Bible interpretations are, in particular to the current Sunday Gospels. In the entertainment section provides the newspaper book and game tips, short stories, puzzles and recipes. Regularly also events and political events from a Catholic perspective, are annotated.

The newspaper was moved from 1920 to 2009 in Speyer pilgrim - printing, since it appears weekly in the newly established and wholly owned by the diocese Publisher Peregrinus Ltd., also in Speyer. Editor in chief Norbert Ronn. The printed edition is approximately 21,000 copies.
