Der Überlinger Hänsele

The Narrenzunft Überlingen ( Nzué ) is a fool guild, whose job as a non-profit association is the preservation of the traditions and the orientation of the carnival in Überlingen. The preamble of the guild statute states: The Narrenzunft Überlingen eV is the task the traditional heritage of the Alemannic cultural sphere, especially the Überlinger Carnival to get according to centuries-old traditions to promote, to anchor the consciousness of the population and to preserve it for posterity.


Already in 1496 is to find a carnival order in council book of the city of Überlingen. The Narrenzunft in its present form was founded in 1921 and grew out of the company founded in 1863 cheerfulness. On 16 November 1924 she was a founding member of the Association of Swabian - Alemannic Carnival Guilds, from them because of disputes over the protection of the carnival traditions resigned in 1952 along with the fools guilds from Elzach and Rottweil. In 1954, the Hänselezunft Überlingen ( Hague Convention ) was established as a department of Narrenzunft Überlingen. Since 1963, the guilds from Rottweil, Elzach, Oberndorf and Überlingen form the four covenant.

The end of the carnival Linger

The first move of the Überlinger carnival is the Lantern Parade on November 11. On January 6, the Einschnellen takes place. Other highlights include the fools tree Put on Schmotzigen Thursday, Hänselejuck carnival on Saturday, the big carnival parade on Sunday and the Hemdglonckerumzug on carnival Monday.

Figures of Überlinger carnival

Main character of the Überlinger carnival is the Überlinger Hänsele. The Hänsele is a so-called Blätzlenarr. His Narrenhäs consists of a cap with a Rotfuchsschwanz, a suit made of linen, are sewn to the cut in strips Filzplätzchen. Three rows of black stripes are red - green -yellow-blue interrupted by a series of colorful stripes in the color sequence. The Hänsele wearing white gloves, a white handkerchief, black stockings, black shoes and a Karbatsche. The pants three or four bells are fastened to each other on the left and the right outer side.

More fool figures are the fools parents, Hänselevater the fools councils, the guild journeyman and the fools cops.

More fools clubs in Überlingen

The carnival group " Old Wieber " was founded in 1983 and registered as an association in 1992.

On 11 November 1995, the fools club " The Überlinger Lion" as a club was established only for women. In the Register he was registered on 24 October 2001.
