Dérive (magazine)

Dérive - Journal of Urban Research is an interdisciplinary and Independent Journal of Urban and produce quarterly dérive since 2000 - edited club for Urban Research in Vienna.

In addition to the publication of the magazine is devoted to the association of mediation city-specific issues, including through the design of " dérive - Radio for Urban Research " and the organization of " urbanize! - International Festival of Urban Explorations ", which takes place every year in Vienna.

Orientation, structure and claim

Dérive is internationally oriented, interdisciplinary and critical of society and approaches to urban landscape from different perspectives and disciplines. The treated fields ranging from architecture, urban and landscape planning, land use planning and visual art to geography, sociology, politics and media studies and philosophy. Be addressed urban problems at different levels of scale - which should give insights into current urban developments - from global to local. Examples of the topics covered in the journal are living, mobility, migration, upgrade, security, city and Climate Change, art and urban development, labor and production.

The articles appear mostly in German and partly in English. The design of the magazine is divided into a focus part which is usually correspondingly designed by the research team with their research. In the magazine section to find articles and interviews on current city-specific topics and in the review section reviews on topics relevant and current publications, exhibitions and films. Another integral part of each issue is a multi-page art insert international creative artists, who deal in their work with issues of urban space. Be curated content, independent art inserts by architect Paul Rajakovics and artist Barbara Holub, the transparadiso jointly operate the platform. Also integral part of the drift - expenditure is the series ' history of urbanity " of cultural and urban sociologist Manfred Russo.

Dérive is an open platform for sharing urban knowledge. As an interdisciplinary medium followed the magazine, the goal of surpassing scientific discipline boundaries and to stimulate discussion between different stakeholders. Among the nearly 500 authors who have published in dérive since the founding of the magazine, can be found alongside scientists and activists from social movements urban. Research results and analyzes are not only concrete experience reports and complement each other.

In the field of urban sociology, for example, contributions by Loïc Wacquant and Saskia Sassen published. On the part of the science of art published among other things, Elke Krasny.


Dérive represents a concept of psycho- geography and refers to the unplanned, situationist procedure of dérive through the urban space. The name means dérive translates to " drift " and was of the Situationist International (SI ) for the description of an uncontrolled and unplanned method to explore and experience the city uses. By roaming the known or foreign urban environment, away from the usual way, without purpose or defined goal is the practice of the dérive new perspectives and a different kind of perception of the municipal permit. While dérive was initially practiced mainly by the SI, left-wing groups and artists, dérive has won as a method especially in recent years increasingly important in scientific research city.

Dérive - Radio for Urban Research

Dérive - Association for Urban Research also makes use of some other means of mediation and discussion of urban issues. Since June 2011, 94.0 per month ( first Tuesday of the month at 17.30 clock ) is " dérive - Radio for Urban Research " on the frequency of Radio Orange sent, which is incorporated into the program from other German-speaking radio stations. The program consists of the " Dictionary: city ", in which experts explain key concepts from the city research, together "History of urbanity ", a shortened version of the printed in the journal series of Manfred Russo and a current priority issue. All programs can be reheared in Cultural Broadcasting Archive.


The magazine is a partner of the network of European cultural journals Eurozine, the same club as editor of Urbanismusmagazins is a member of INURA - International Network of Urban Research and Action.
