
9.833333333333343.033333333333Koordinaten: 9 ° 50 'N, 43 ° 2' O

Derwonaji (also Darwanaji, Dher Wanaje, Derwernache ) is a place in the Woreda Awbere in the Jijiga Zone of the Somali Region of Ethiopia.

According to the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia for 2005 Derwonaji had 35 645 inhabitants. 1997, there were 23,891 inhabitants, 67.47 % of native Somali, 31.02 % were foreigners from Somalia.

In 1991, a refugee camp for refugees from northern Somalia / Somaliland was established in Derwonaji. The inhabitants were mostly on the clan of Gadabursi -Dir and had fled fighting between the SNM and local militias to Boorama. But the camp was also home to Jidwaq and Ogadeni - Darod and members of the Gaboye minority, also were some Ethiopian Somali among residents. By reviews of the residents and the return of Somalis, the population decreased from initially about 100,000 to less than 40,000 in mid-1994, the end of 1998 there were around 27,000. On 30 June 2001, the camp was closed.


  • Place in Somaliland
  • Place in Africa