Desert rose (crystal)

A Desert Rose (also: Desert, barite or gypsum rose) is a bizarre crystal structure that consists mostly of sand grains that are embedded in a crystal of gypsum or barite.

The water-soluble gypsum roses occur in hot and dry desert areas, ie under arid climate. By rapidly evaporating surface moisture groundwater is pumped by capillary upward. The dissolved salts in the water of crystallization due to the progressive evaporation and, together with the sand characteristic, sheet-like structures. These are found primarily in North Africa in the Sahara as well as in Namibia, but also in Germany ( Rocky Mount ).

The water-insoluble Barytrosen arise when there is sufficient presence of barium in a similar manner in sand bearings, such as in the Wetterau, where they can be found in some sand pits.

Sand roses are stable if stored and also popular collectibles.

In "Sand Rose Museum " in Untertor Büdingen exhibits will be shown. Most of them come from the Wetterau.

Rosette-shaped Barytrose from Germany ( Wetterau )

Sandrose without preferential growth direction of the Sahara

Sand roses in the Algerian Sahara

Pictures of Desert rose (crystal)
